
  • Provision of practical help for people with drug problems and assistance in recovering from their mental, physical, emotional, social and economic difficulties.
  • Provision of counselling, advice, emotional support, encouragement, peer support and companionship.
  • Provision of skills training for community mental health care and awareness.
  • Provision of relevant information and knowledge to recovering addicts, families, institutions and the general public. This would enhance their cognitive vigilance to contain temptations of relapse, experimentation and possible misuse in the face of life pressures.
  • Network and provision of services to interest groups that may require inputs from SINAM for either educational, research, promotional and awareness creation and technical exchange purposes at primary, secondary, tertiary and policy levels of intervention.
  • Provide residents and recovered addicts with opportunities for integral development through self-esteem, responsibility for actions, positive perception of life, goal setting and participation in socio-economic development such as vocational skills training for personal development, self-employment and community development.
  • Undertaking relevant research and consultancy on addiction and community development

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